and Advisories
and Case Status
- Annual Trial Calendar
- Status of Submitted Cases
- Upcoming Trials & Hearings
- Upcoming Pretrials
- Pending Supreme Court Appeals
- Rules of Procedure
- Forms
- Supreme Court Decisions
- Workers' Compensation Court Decisions
- Compensation Rates
- Search Engine
- Common Fund and Related Cases
- State of Montana
- Workers' Compensation Claims Assistance
- Workers' Compensation Regulations
- Business Standards Division
- Federal Employees' Compensation Act
- State Law Library of Montana
- Montana Legal Services
Navigating Our Website
Tips to get around:
- Use the navigation categories on the menu bar to drill down and find what you need
- The search button allows you to search by topic or keyword
- Look around. Take some time to discover what Workers' Comp Court has to offer
- Use the site map to browse by category or division
- Use the contact us button for specific, hard to answer questions or to give general feedback on the site.
The Montana Workers' Compensation Court website has been updated to join the State portal with a "common look and feel" to provide users with the same navigation and a more accessible design. The new design also reduces download times and has been built to comply with web standards recommended by the World Wide Web Consortium.
Some of the benefits of the redesign include:
- Improving the speed of the site. The homepage has been trimmed in in size by 40% and now loads almost completely in an 800x600 pixel window.
- Improved accessibility. The site is now more accessible for users with visual impairments and physical limitations as well as those using assistive technology.
- A more flexible interface. The new site can be easily migrated to any modern browser or Internet device. Users of older browsers may still access the content, but will see improvements in access by upgrading.
- Uses Web standards. Conforms to HTML Transitional markup recommendations and uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to provide flexible presentation and layout.